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Anchor Sales Knowledge | Sandler Training in Manitoba

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WHY CUSTOMERS LEAVE... and what you can do about it!

Join our Sandler Leadership discussion about the tremendous cost of losing a customer and exploring strategies for building a team of service providers that will delight your customers and drive future sales.


Reserve your complimentary spot

Every manager hires friendly, helpful employees for the frontlines of their company. But do we really know what people are saying to our hard-earned customers every day?  Listen in on their conversations and you may find that they …

  • Are always busy, but rarely productive
  • Are missing sales opportunities due to a ‘that’s not my job’ attitude
  • Over-promising in order to make customers happy short term, but causing problems long term
  • Causing friction internally due to poor communication skills and misunderstandings
  • Are good employees but are leaving your company because of supervisory issues

Complimentary Workshop for Manitoba Leaders

Join us for a 1-hour Round Table discussion with other Manitoba Owners, Presidents and Managers on: 

Why Customers Leave, And What To Do About It!



Reserve your complimentary spot

Professional Service Providers Free Session

Register to attend this Manitoba Sandler Leaders Discussion.

All sessions are currently being held in-person & virtually - but these are not webinars. This is an interactive session with a group of your peers.

We would happily host you by joining us in person at 2-376 Donald St, but we anticipate most will join via Zoom. 


A few key takeaways of some of our previous workshops were:

"I have never met anyone else in my sales circle applying the Law of Attraction and affirmations to business practice. I feel validated, thank you! The webinar helped zone in on identifying strengths and weaknesses and where I need more resources. I will need to take some time for the information to digest and journal specific needs and wants. Behaviour is still my number one. This was a gift, great way to view sales that I can align with, albeit too brief a webinar! Feeling grateful to have had this one hour to learn and become better at what I do."

"Opened my eyes to what is going on and how to prepare to keep going and come out of this stronger"

"Gave some insights into social selling that I will now put in practice."

"Word tracking and email etiquette (transparency and honesty) at a time of uncertainty is very helpful material to help coach our team!"

"Gave me some new ways to help prospect via online channels. It also showed how to be kind and compassionate whilst trying to make a sale."